Cindy has been featured in…
Entrepreneur | Fortune | The New York Times | Vanity Fair | Inc. | The Tim Ferriss Show | Forbes | TEDx | MSNBC | Fast Company
Self-made and stiletto strapping, Cindy has built two businesses from scratch and sold them for record setting returns. Her exits total more than $1.5B. See why Fortune called her “a tireless force of nature” and Entrepreneur Magazine put her on their cover of Women to Watch.
Cindy has been featured in…
Forbes | TEDx | MSNBC | Fast Company

“Cindy Eckert is who I strive to be in life. She is who I look up to. Plus, she wears pink all the time. So really, all my babes out there, go look her up, you won’t be sorry.”

“…she’s dedicated herself to advancing the cause of women entrepreneurship and in the process weaponized the color pink.”

“Cindy is gunning for a status quo that needs to be prepared to make room at the table for everyone. Cindy believes in the power of women to shape the business world in ways that improve the lives of everyone. And when she’s done talking so will you.”

“Cindy Eckert is the real deal.”
Our team searches for groundbreaking healthcare firsts by or for women. When we find them we put our money and muscle to work to get them to outcomes like our own. Shooting it straight…if you have the next cupcake shop, we won’t invest…but we would love samples! If you don’t fit our investment profile, Cindy may still pick you to mentor. Follow her @CindyPinkCEO to watch for those opportunities.
Pinkubator companies have been awarded TIME Best Inventions, Forbes 30 Under 30 Founders and Fast Company World Changing ideas to name a few. Their common thread? They put power in women’s hands. The first FDA approved drug for women’s low libido. The world’s first flushable pregnancy test. The first ever personalized prevention plan for Alzheimer’s. $37M invested and growing…
Pinkubator companies have been awarded TIME Best Inventions, Forbes 30 Under 30 Founders and Fast Company World Changing ideas to name a few. Their common thread? They put power in women’s hands. The first FDA approved drug for women’s low libido. The world’s first flushable pregnancy test. The first ever personalized prevention plan for Alzheimer’s. $37M invested and growing…
Building a circle of women on top committed to place others there.
Building a circle of women on top committed to place others there.